April 19, 2017

Corporate Wellness

By: Clark Brenisholtz

Well, Well, Well…

If an outsider were to observe Hawkins Companies at length, they may wonder if the time, effort, and resources devoted to helping local charities is equally received by the company staff. The answer would likely surprise them.

Employee wellness has been a part of the Hawkins workplace culture from the beginning. Nothing is more vital to the success of a healthy business than healthy employees, and Hawkins has invested in its people from the start. There is evidence of this investment at every turn.

Our headquarters are located in the heart of BoDo, only blocks from the Boise Greenbelt. Employees have quick access to nature if a lunchtime walk, bike ride, or a workout in the park fits their mood. Additionally, an employee gym with private changing areas and showers is on site to help save travel time and expense of a gym membership elsewhere. There’s a company bicycle too.

Instead of vending machines, Hawkins has a fully functioning kitchen with a company stocked refrigerator. This gives employees access to healthy foods at any time of day instead of eating from a wrapper or a drive-thru.

Hawkins Companies takes a holistic approach to wellness, meaning the individual is not only offered healthy choices in the workplace, but also given access to useful tools to improve their lives. Flu shot and immunization clinics are hosted on site to reduce inconvenience to employees and family members. Biometric screenings are held on site as well. Standing desk stations are available to those who want that option.

Additionally, a 5 week health challenge is held annually, and prizes are awarded to employees for reaching their goals. This event is accompanied by a massive buffet designed to share new recipes with the staff.

For those needing stress relief, a massage room and masseuse are on site. And for employees who need a private space to feed a baby, or just a quiet break from the day, a wellness office, complete with massage chair, and soft light is conveniently located in the center of our building.

Employee education is offered as well. Seminars across a spectrum of topics are offered throughout year in the form of “lunch & learn” opportunities. Financial planning services and education are also offered to all that are interested.

Hawkins prides itself on having a healthy food culture as well. An annual soup competition heats up in mid-winter. In office, tail-gate parties are a thing. Pie and cookie bake-offs too. Best chili competitions have sprung up frequently, and a healthy camaraderie is found at all the events.

Finally, there are the community charities that I mentioned before. It is a widely understood fact that helping others contributes significantly to our own wellness. Hawkins Companies knows this. By putting our employees’ wellness first, we give them the things they need to craft more meaningful lives. In turn, this inspires them to share their knowledge, time and energy with those who need it most.
