Boise Bicycle Project

By: Clark Brenisholtz

Hawkins Companies genuinely loves Boise. Some 40-odd years ago, we planted our roots in the “city of trees” and never looked back. As our company has grown and evolved with the city of Boise, we have kept an eye out for other likeminded organizations who invest in the continued well-being and betterment of our beloved city.

A few years ago we learned of the remarkable work that Boise Bicycle Project (BBP) was doing. It was impossible not to admire their dedication to keeping Boise green by providing education and bicycles to a populace looking for more environmentally friendly transportation.

The BBP’s example was an inspiration to us. We embraced their enthusiasm and believed in their dream that Boise might actually become Bicycle Capital of America. With BBP guidance and some hard work from our employees, Hawkins Companies has proudly become a Silver Status member of The League of American Bicyclists.

As individuals and a company, Hawkins Companies is committed to passing on the positive message of the BBP. In the years since our introduction, we have continued our support of the BBP by donating funds, bikes, and bicycle parts. Further, at every opportunity, we share the positive message of being a bicycle friendly business with our partner, and continue to try to lead by example. We encourage you to reach out to the amazing people of The Boise Bicycle Project, and see Boise on two wheels.
